Module wchoice
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Source Code for Module wchoice

  1  """ 
  2 -- by bearophile, V.1.0 Oct 30 2006 
  4  Weighted choice: like the random.choice() when the probabilities of 
  5  the single elements aren't the same. 
  6  """ 
  7  import psyco 
  8  from random import random 
  9  from bisect import bisect 
 10  from itertools import izip 
 12  psyco.profile() 
13 -def wchoice(objects, frequences, filter=True, normalize=True):
14 """ 15 wchoice(objects, frequences, filter=True, normalize=True): return 16 a function that return the given objects with the specified frequency 17 distribution. If no objects with frequency>0 are given, return a 18 constant function that return None. 19 20 Input: 21 objects: sequence of elements to choose. 22 frequences: sequence of their frequences. 23 filter=False disables the filtering, speeding up the object creation, 24 but less bad cases are controlled. Frequences must be float > 0. 25 normalize=False disables the probablitity normalization. The choice 26 becomes faster, but sum(frequences) must be 1 27 """ 28 if filter: 29 # Test and clean the frequencies. 30 if isinstance(frequences, (set, dict)): 31 raise "in wchoice: frequences: only ordered sequences." 32 if isinstance(objects, (set, dict)): 33 raise "in wchoice: objects: only ordered sequences." 34 if len(frequences) != len(objects): 35 raise "in wchoice: objects and frequences must have the same lenght." 36 frequences = map(float, frequences) 37 filteredFreq = [] 38 filteredObj = [] 39 for freq, obj in izip(frequences, objects): 40 if freq < 0: 41 raise "in wchoice: only positive frequences." 42 elif freq >1e-8: 43 filteredFreq.append(freq) 44 filteredObj.append(obj) 45 46 if len(filteredFreq) == 0: 47 return lambda: None 48 if len(filteredFreq) == 1: 49 return lambda: filteredObj[0] 50 frequences = filteredFreq 51 objects = filteredObj 52 else: 53 if len(objects) == 1: 54 return lambda: objects[0] 55 # Here objects is unaltered, so it must have a fast __getitem__ 56 57 addedFreq = [] 58 lastSum = 0 59 for freq in frequences: 60 lastSum += freq 61 addedFreq.append(lastSum) 62 63 # If the choice method is called many times, then the frequences 64 # can be normalized to sum 1, so instead of random()*self.sumFreq 65 # a random() suffices. 66 if normalize: 67 return lambda rnd=random, bis=bisect: objects[bis(addedFreq, rnd()*lastSum)] 68 else: 69 return lambda rnd=random, bis=bisect: objects[bis(addedFreq, rnd())]
70 71 72 if __name__ == '__main__': 73 print "wchoice tests:" 74 objs = "ABCDE" 75 freqs = [1, 3, 1.1, 0, 5] 76 sumf = sum(freqs) 77 wc = wchoice(objs, freqs) 78 freq1 = dict.fromkeys(objs, 0) 79 nestractions = 100000 80 for i in xrange(nestractions): 81 freq1[wc()] += 1 82 83 freq2 = sorted(freq1.items()) 84 freq3 = [sumf*float(v)/nestractions for (k,v) in freq2] 85 86 for (f1,f2) in zip(freq3, freqs): 87 print abs(f1-f2), 88 assert abs(f1-f2) < 0.05 89 print "\n" 90 91 wc = wchoice(["a"], [1]) 92 assert set(wc() for i in xrange(20000)) == set(["a"]) 93 94 wc = wchoice(["a"], [0]) 95 assert set(wc() for i in xrange(20000)) == set([None]) 96 97 wc = wchoice(["a","b"], [0,0]) 98 assert set(wc() for i in xrange(20000)) == set([None]) 99 100 objs = ["A"] 101 freqs = [1.5] 102 wc = wchoice(objs, freqs, filter=False) 103 assert [wc() for _ in xrange(10)] == ["A"] * 10 104 105 objs = "ABCDE" 106 freqs = [1, 3, 1.1, 0.1, 5] 107 wc = wchoice(objs, freqs, filter=False) 108 print [wc() for _ in xrange(50)] 109 110 print "Tests done." 111