mutation: Contains strongly-typed version of the Koza-based mutation
selection: Contains methods to select individuals from a population.
settings: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees.
treeutil: Contains all sort of utilities to search and manipulate nested
lists as trees.
tutorial1: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees in tutorial1.
tutorial2: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees in tutorial2.
tutorial3: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees in tutorial3.
tutorial4: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees in tutorial4.
tutorial5: Contains all parameters for the evolutionary run, grammar rules,
constraints, and specifics about the terminal and function set of
the trees in tutorial5.
wchoice: -- by bearophile, V.1.0 Oct 30 2006
writepop: Contains all classes used to write and extract individuals and
populations on the SQLite database.